Metadata Content type Content type Image Collection(s) Collection(s) [Maps from Clüver's "Introductionis in Universam Geographiam"] Title Title Title Pannoniae, et Illyrici veteris tabula Resource Type Resource Type Image Description Description Map depicting the ancient regions Pannonia and Illyria on the Eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. Relief shown pictorially. Ornate title cartouche. At bottom centre: "Petrus Kaerius Caelavit." Features watermark. Persons Persons Creator (cre): Keere, Pieter van den Geographic Subject Geographic Subject Pannonia Illyria Eastern Adriatic Coast Hierarchical Geographic Subject Hierarchical Geographic Subject Europe East Adriatic Coast Extent Extent 1 map ; 14.5 x 18.5 cm on sheet 20.5 x 28.5 cm Shelf Locator Shelf Locator 372at 1676